How to go for a Google Adsense account??

Before going for it!!! What is Google Adsense?

Google Adsense is service of Google from which one can earn money.

How It Works?
Once your  website is registered on Google adsense, Google Is going to monitor your stuff.
You will be paid by Google on each and every visit of adds of google on your website. 
So this is a short intro to Google Adsense

Precautions and Points you should follow before getting started with Adsense
  1. You should must have a Website or Blog. If You don’t have,  make one.
  2. You should must have a Gmail account.
  3. Your material/stuff should be your ,I mean it should not be copied from other websites. If you have copied stuff to your website, Google will monitor your website. So be original.
  4. Your website should be active.
  5.  Your website must be 6 months old.
Now How to get started to earn money??
If you follow following simple Steps You can easily start your Business.
  1. To get started go to Google adsense’s homepage.
  2.  Click on Sign-up
  3.  Fill all the details carefully.
  4. Wait for the Email of Google Adsense. They usually answer in 5-6 business days.
Above these are following steps, by following them you can easily be registered on Google Adsense.


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